The sun is out, the grass is as green as it gets and the conditions are wonderful! Are you ready for a great summer filled with fun and exercise? Make this one count. Every single one of us will be looking to make the most of what this season has to offer and there are plenty of options to choose from. There are tons of outdoor activities that you've dreamed about all winter long. But there are some things that we must not forget when it comes to 'playing' in the sun. To be more precise, one, if not the most important of them is staying hydrated. Let's see why it is so essential.
Increased exertion
Having a summer workout plan is great and staying fit even during this season should be a priority for every single individual that is into fitness. However, there are some crucial differences that you need to know about when it comes to conditions. First of all, it is obvious that working out in the open is different from working out in an air-conditioned gym. That's why you have to be careful when choosing the time of day for your exercise. It isn't so wise to exercise from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. since that is the hottest part of the day. Also, working out in a cool and chilly gym is easy. Therefore, it is clear that you will sweat a lot more outside in the heat than you’re used to inside where there is air conditioning. And when we sweat, we lose fluids. That's why it is of the utmost importance to stay hydrated. Increased physical exertion means more sweat and that ultimately means that you have to drink up!
How to stay hydrated?
Now that you've read about the reason why you need to be on top of the hydration game in the dangerous summer heat, let's see how exactly you can achieve that. Firstly, when you start preparing for a workout, pack a bottle of water. It would be great if you could carry a quality 2 litre water bottle. That's the safest way. Drink some water before heading out and take a sip every 15 minutes or so during the exercise. If you like intense workouts where there's plenty of sweat, drink up more during the breaks. Also, it is important that you chug water afterwards. And remember, do not wait to get thirsty! If you wait it out until you're dying of thirst, that probably means that you're already dehydrated. And dehydration will get you nowhere since it impairs your performance and it could lead to health issues. Many fitness pros recommend coconut water too since it has those important electrolytes that will help your body replenish energy levels. Without energy, there can be no workout.
Repercussions of not getting enough water
When more water is moving out of our body than we are taking in, dehydration occurs. And with dehydration come muscle cramps, fatigue and extreme thirst. These are just some consequences of failing to stay hydrated. For example, did you know that dehydration also affects the brain? Since our brain is made up of around 73% of water, if we don't keep up with the needed water intake, and that is especially important in the summer heat, our thinking and cognition can be impaired. According to a study, adolescents who exercised for 90 minutes to a state of dehydration experienced a significant brain tissue shrinking. Incredible, right? Other than that, dehydration also affects our appetite. Fail to drink up and you could lose your appetite. Mild constipation and dry mouth are the least of our worries when compared to the ones mentioned before.
Hopefully, you are now aware of how important proper water intake is, especially during the summer. Having a good workout plan and a strong will to go through with it is great. But you must bear in mind that nothing is more important than your health! So, drink up!